Bhawabhuti Mahavidyalaya Amgaon, Distt-Gondia (MS)

NEP-2020 University Programmes

B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)

Sem - I

Sr. Head Course In our College
1. Major Subjects Group-A : Chemistry
Group-B : Physics / Zoology
Group-C : Maths / Botany
Group-E : Computer Science

Chemistry / Physics / Zoology / Maths / Botany / Computer Science

2. Open Elective (OE) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from OE Basket [ Bio fertilisers, bio-pesticides and compositing / Indoor gardening and landscaping] (Bot) / [ Human anatomy and physiology / Indian Birds / Reproductive biology / Attractive biology ] (Zoo) / [ Computer Fundamentals / Office Automation ] (CS) / [ Quantitative aptitude / Basic Statistics ] (Maths) / Space science (Phy) / -- (Che)
3. Vocational Skill Course (VSC) Select any One Course Related to Major from VSC Basket Identification of Angiospermic plants (Bot) / Vermicomposting (Zoo) / Office Automation (CS) / Sage Math software system (Maths) / Electronic and Electrical Components (Phy) / Soap, detergent and disinfectant Technology (Che)
4. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Select any One Course from SEC Basket Soil Analysis and hydrobiology (Bot) / Beekeeping (Zoo) / Desk Top Publishing (CS) / Aptitude and Reasoning (Maths) / -- (Phy) / Food Adulteration Analysis (Che)
5. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) Compulsory English Compulsory English
6. Value Education Course (VEC) Environmental Science Environmental Science
7. Indian Knowledge System Course (IKS) Vedic Mathematics Vedic Mathematics
8. Co-Curricular Course (CC) NSS / NCC / Games & Sports / Cultural Activities / Extension Project NSS / Games & Sports / Cultural Activities

Sem - II

Sr. Head Course In our College
1. Major Subjects Group-A : Chemistry
Group-B : Physics / Zoology
Group-C : Maths / Botany
Group-E : Computer Science

Chemistry / Physics / Zoology / Maths / Botany / Computer Science

2. Open Elective (OE) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from OE Basket [ Sustainable agriculture/ Hydroponics and Plant Growth Regulators ] (Bot) / [ Industrial entomology / Fish farming ] (Zoo) / [ Programming in C / Web Technology ] (CS) / [ Business statistics-I / Business statistics II ] (Math) / Energy Sources (Phy) / Chemistry basket not given by university
3. Vocational Skill Course (VSC) Select any One Course Related to Major from VSC Basket Horticulture (Bot) / Culture of Indian major Carps (Zoo) / Computer Animation (CS) / Maxima software system (Maths) / Instrumental Errors in Measurement (Phy) / Drug synthesis and analysis (Che)
4. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Select any One Course from SEC Basket Plant Pathology and Disease Management (Bot) / Lac Culture (Zoo) / Tally (CS) / Financing Mathematics (Maths) / Water and Wastewater analysis (Che) / Physics basket not given by university
5. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) Compulsory English Compulsory English
6. Value Education Course (VEC) Constitution of India Constitution of India
7. Indian Knowledge System Course (IKS) Indian Astronomy Indian Astronomy
8. Co-Curricular Course (CC) NSS / NCC / Games & Sports / Cultural Activities / Extension Project NSS / Games & Sports / Cultural Activities

B.Com. (Bachelor of Commerce)


Sr. Head Course
1. Major Subjects Accounting and Taxation
2. Open Elective (OE) Fundamental of Financing accounting / Economics System
3. Vocational Skill Course (VSC) Content Writing / Online Course SWAYAM / NPTEL
4. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Start-up Support Execute / Customer care Execute
5. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) Compulsory English
6. Value Education Course (VEC) Environmental Studies
7. Indian Knowledge System Course (IKS) Indian Economics & Business Model
8. Co-Curricular Course (CC) NSS / NCC / Games & Sports / Cultural Activities / Extension Project

B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)


Sr. Head Course
1. Major Subjects Group-A : Marathi Literature / English Literature
Group-B : English / Marathi / Hindi
Group-C : History
Group-D : Economics
Group-E : Political Science
Group-F : Home Economics / Geography
2. Open Elective (OE) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from OE Basket
3. Vocational Skill Course (VSC) Select any One Course Related to Major from VSC Basket
4. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Select any One Course from SEC Basket
5. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from AEC Basket
6. Value Education Course (VEC) Environmental Science
7. Indian Knowledge System Course (IKS) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from IKS Basket
8. Co-Curricular Course (CC) Select any Two Courses other than Major Group from CC Basket

M.Sc. (Master of Science)


Botany / Zoology

M.A. (Master of Arts)


Marathi / Economics